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1904 National Bank of Tasmania Cheque

$0.00 AUD

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On offer here is a nice clean example of a bank cheque from the National Bank of Tasmania.

It has small area of paper missing on the left hand side where it may have been taped to a ledger. 

The cheque is counter stamped at the Launceston branch and made payable at the Stanley branch. 

Dated March 16 1904 it is for the sum of two pounds stirling which in todays terms would be about 640 pounds or AUD$1150. It is made out to Mr E. Vale a local Stanley storekeeper from one James Batten.

Probably the most interesting thing about this banking instrument is the Three Pence Revenue stamp in the upper left hand corner which has been over stamped for the value of One Pence. A cost cutting measure to save on printing the smaller denomination. These stamps generally bring around $10-12 currently.

An add in the Wellington Times and Agricultural and Mining Gazette 16 August 1894 runs an add which states:

“To Dairymen, Circular Head – E.Vale of Stanley  begs to announce that he is prepared to supply MILK CANS and ALL OTHER TINWARE necessary for Dairying. Call and compare prices and workmanship.”

A truly unique snap shot of day to day business in early 20th century Tasmania.



Business banking cheque no doubt paid for the purchase of goods and supplies from a local Stanley merchant.

Bears the National Bank of Tasmania counter stamp and a collectible three pence revenue stamp overstamped as one penny.


The Bank of Tasmania had major financial difficulties in the 1880’s and as a result it was restructured to become The National Bank of Tasmania Limited.  This derivation was established in Launceston in 1885.

The bank issued its own bank notes, sometimes using altered stock certificates at three branches. One in Hobart another in Launceston and a third in Zeehan.  It would appear that in the main this bank operated mainly in the north of the island.

Eventually the bank was taken over by the Commercial Bank of Australia Limited in 1918 which is now a part of the Westpac Banking Group Limited.

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