On offer here is a 1975 Red Wallet Decimal Uncirculated Set with the full set of coins from this year.
It is in beautiful condition overall as are the coins inside.
The total minting for this series was 30,121 which makes it among the lower mintages for these types of sets given that some sets went as high as 240,000.
A great addition to any coin collection.
Please see the pictures and judge for yourself.
Many special versions of the 20c, 50c and $1 coins have been produced, with imagery representing an event replacing the usual design on the reverse side of the coin. For some years, all the coins are replaced with a different design for that year. In other cases, only a few coins have the new design, which are released as special commemorative coins, although many usually end up in circulation.
In 2012, a commemorative $2 coin was produced depicting a poppy for Remembrance Day and in 2013, a coloured purple coin for the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation.
Since 1965 the Royal Australian Mint (RAM) in Canberra has been responsible for producing Australia’s coinage and mints more than 400 million coins required each year by Australians (Rabbit, 1993: 53). In addition to this core currency requirement are a variety of special coins produced specifically for collectors and the souvenir/gift market. These special issues are important business for the Mint and a great variety of single coins and coin sets are produced for sale.
A Time In Australian History When:
5 January – Tasman Bridge disaster: The Tasman Bridge in Hobart is struck by the ore carrier MV Lake Illawarra. The bridge partially collapses onto the vessel, which sinks. Seven crew and five motorists are killed
19 January – 2JJ, the predecessor of youth radio Triple J, commences broadcasting in Sydney.
1 July – Medibank is introduced, Australia Post and Telecom are formed from the Postmaster-General’s Department (PMG).
11 November – 1975 Australian constitutional crisis: The Governor-General, Sir John Kerr, dismisses the government of Gough Whitlam. Malcolm Fraser is installed as caretaker Prime Minister.
*All historical information taken from Wikipedia for educational purposes only.