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2004 Michael Leunig Sydney Morning Herald Calendar New

$45.00 AUD

Availability: 1 in stock

SKU: 2004MichaelLeunigSMHCalendar-ML49 Category:

Seriously, finding a mint condition 2004 Michael Leunig calendar like this one is like winning the lottery. Most have long since been used, stored badly or thrown out once finished.

The condition of this piece is unbelievable and will greatly please any serious Leunig collector. Looks as if it is fresh off the press.

Sourcing these earlier calendars has proven to be quite a challenge. Only the one copy in stock so don’t miss out.

 Your 2004 calendar is reusable in:
2032, 2060, and 2088.



Year – 2004

Artist – Michael Leunig

Issued by – Sydney Morning Herald – Fairfax Media

Soft cover with a different cartoon for each of the 12 months.

Topic – Australian politics, humour, social commentary

Full colour plates

29.7cm x 21cm (when closed)

ISBN 0610696076694


Quotes from Michael Leunig.

“At the very simplest, I think as Van Gogh said and St Francis would have said, we must find nature. Just to be in the presence of nature your feelings and ‘little seedlings’ start to awake. So if we disassociate ourselves from God we cut nature out, too. More and more we turn nature into a commodity, into eco-tourism. But we must integrate it into the way people live every day. ” – MICHAEL LEUNIG

“Yet out in the countryside, beyond the harsh gravity of the material world, far from Father Christmas and closer to Mother Nature, a wondrous child may behold the miracles of the bush and know that new life and great beauty are abundant and eternal. There is no monumental religious event in this infinity of detail and diversity; it is all part of a broader ancient miracle. Huge clouds of brown butterflies swirl up into the dazzling light, parrots swoop to grassy earth, honeyeaters ravish the sweet flowers of the bottlebrush, echidnas trundle steadily in search of each other, lizards dart among ants and ancient rocks, the fine branchlets of manna gums quiver to the mating growls of koalas, ibises stroll and feast on grasshoppers and gleaming Christmas beetles hang from eucalyptus leaves like small green baubles. The birds sing gloriously and not a wrong note is heard. This is Christmas in the bush…” – MICHAEL LEUNIG

“Australian identity? Who knows. Who cares? And does it matter that such a complex and elusive concept about nationhood be enshrined in words?… Pronouncements about the national psyche, the bitter and the sweet, are foisted upon the citizens from above and bandied about for all sorts of purposes, but deep in their hearts people understand that there is no such thing as an average Australian. Thanks be.” – MICHAEL LEUNIG

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