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Ned Kelly Novelty Notes Full Set

$0.00 AUD

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These notes were very popular when being sold on Ebay some years ago.

Beautiful art work using great designs with ever changing themes depicting the bushranger Ned Kelly’s life and times.

They have not been available for a long time.

We have managed to put together the full set here for someone who wants the whole collection.

If you are a Kelly fan and enjoy collecting Australiana surrounding this folk hero then this is for you.

Very limited offer.



This is the full set in full colour.

It contains all notes in the series.

Pictures of the back and front of each note are in the listing for viewing.

They are packed as originally purchased and shop fresh.


By Smiling Billy Blinkhorn sung and recorded  in the 1930’s

Poor Ned Kelly

Let me tell you all a story of a bad man of fame
A dinky-di Aussie, Ned Kelly was his name
Born down in Victoria on 11-mile creek
His mother and his father, they were both of them Micks

At sixteen years he was one tough guy
The crimes he committed, oh me oh my
He’d steal all the horses for miles around
Then collect all the rewards for them and paint the town

Poor Ned Kelly
A tougher guy you never knew
Poor Ned Kelly
His brothers and his sisters too

He robbed the stations and he robbed the mail
He held up the bank of New South Wales
He had all the colonials on the run
He shot holes in officers just for fun

Ned and his gang ran fast and free
They bailed up the bank at Jerilderie
Captured half the town and locked them away
Spent their time in the pub for the rest of the day

Poor Ned Kelly, liked his beer I see
Poor Ned Kelly, he ain’t got nothing on me

Finally they caught him and they threw him in the can
Shot down all his cobbers to the very last man
Tried him and convicted him and wouldn’t give him bail
And they hung him to a rafter in the Melbourne Jail

Some years have gone since Ned passed away
There’s lots of his cobbers carrying on today
What with income tax and wages tax and car tax and the price of taxi-cabs and the rest coming due
and the beer going up in price and apart from that all the things we gotta buy, well.
Poor Ned Kelly wasn’t such a bad guy.

Poor Ned Kelly,
It’s easier to do today
Poor Ned Kelly,
They don’t even have to run away.

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