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1888 Wacht am Rhein City of Bingen Medallion

$85.00 AUD

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SKU: 1888WachtamRheinCityofBingenMedallion-WC125 Category:

A very rare medallion issued by the War Comrades Association for the Watch On The Rhine from Bingen Germany in 1888. A highly unique piece of German history.

The Rhein has always had a special place in the hearts of Germans. It represents to them all that is truly Germanic , in particularly the theme of Rhine Romanticism.

Germany feared that Napoleon would attempt to take over the left bank (west side) thereby annexing it from Germany.

The Watch On The Rhine is not only a national anthem and a sculpted monument but local bodies of loyal citizens did in fact keep a vigilant watch on all activity along the Rhine’s route and were known by the same name also.

With the eventual annexation of Alsace-Lorraine, France was completely displaced from the left bank of the Rhine and Germany was able to relax.. The Rhine was from the mouth to its final sea outfall a purely German river.

Noteworthy Collectibles is very pleased to be able to offer items of this grade that are so very difficult and rare to find.



1888 –  Original medallion in very good condition.

Size can be seen by noting the grid behind the picture is in one centimeter squares.

Coat of arms for the Corp of Hassia Guard On The Rhine from Bingen

Features the sculpted impression of the Niederwalddenkmal ( Guard On The Rhine ) monument built in 1883. “Stand firm and true”, inscribed on outside.


“Die Wacht am Rhein” (The Watch/Guard on the Rhine) is a German patriotic anthem.

The song’s origins are rooted in the historical French–German enmity, and it was particularly popular in Germany during the Franco-Prussian War and the First World War.

Die Wacht am Rhein –  The Watch On The Rhine – English translation

by Arminius 1871

The Watch At The Rhine

1. The cry resounds like thunder’s crash,
Like ringing swords and waves that clash:
The Rhine, the Rhine, go to our Rhine,
Who’ll guard our River, hold the line?
Land of our fathers, have no fear,
Your watch is true, the line stands here.

2. A hundred thousand hearts beat fast,
The eyes of all to you are cast,
The German youth, devout and strong.
Protects you, as he has so long.
Land of our fathers, have no fear,
Your watch is true, the line stands here.

3. He casts his eyes to heaven’s blue,
From where past heroes hold the view,
And swears pugnaciously the oath,
You Rhine and I, stay German, both.
Land of our fathers, have no fear,
Your watch is true, the line stands here.

4. While still remains one breath of life,
While still one fist can draw a knife,
One gun still fired with one hand,
No foe will stand on this Rhine sand.
Land of our fathers, have no fear,
Your watch is true, the line stands here.

5. Should my heart not survive this stand,
You’ll never fall in foreign hand,
Much, as your waters without end,
Have we our heroes’ blood to spend.
Land of our fathers, have no fear,
Your watch is true, the line stands here.

6. The oath resounds, on rolls the wave,
The banners fly in wind. We’ll save
The Rhine, the Rhine, the German Rhine
Together we will hold the line.
Land of our fathers, have no fear,
Your watch is true, the line stands here.

7. So lead us with your tried command,
With trust in God, take sword in hand,
Hail Wilhelm! Down with all that brood!
Repay our shame with the foes blood!
Land of our fathers, have no fear,
Your watch is true, the line stands here.

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