Home » Shop » 1923 BAYERISCHE BANKNOTE 50000 MARK A173789


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This a stunning and beautiful example of this era of emergency money or notgeld from the south east of Germany in Bayern.

The ink colours are fresh and bright and the note itself is about uncirculated ( fast kassenfrisch in German).  The paper is crisp and feels like new. Very few detractions.

Anyone seeking to put together a high quality collection of hyperinflation bank notes could not do better than this example here.




Issued: 15 March 1923

Serial number: A173789

Size: 169 x 100 mm

Catalogue: BAY8

Grade: about Uncirculated UNC – Kasenfrisch in German

Watermark: Small corner tuning fork.


In early November on 1923 in the Bavarian capital Munich, Adolf Hitler and his colleagues including Erich Ludendorff tried to force their way into power and to over throw the Imperial Government. It was known as Hitlerputsch or Bürgerbräu-Putsch or Beerhall Revolution.

Bavaria was at the time in quite a state of ongoing turbulent developments and key members of the government were due to speak in the Citizens brewery cellar or Bürgerbräukeller. Amongst these were Gustav von Kahr who wanted to speak whilst in the presence of Lossow, Seißers, Knillings and other party nationalist camps. Hitler chose this moment to launch his revolution. At 8pm on the November 8 1923 shortly after the meeting had started Adolf Hitler accompanied by Hermann Goering stood on a chair and fired his pistol into the ceiling. He announced to the assembled crowd that the “national revolution” had now begun. Hitler managed to bring Lossow, Seißers and Knillings on to his side whilst Goering made a speech in support of the coup.

They sent a proclamation to the German people announcing that the Government in Berlin had this day been declared criminal and will be deposed. A new provisional German national government has been formed. This new government ruling body consisted of General Ludendorff, Adolf Hitler, General von Lossow and Colonel von Seißer. As was the case with the “March on Rome” made by the Italian fascists in favor of Benito Mussolini, the followers of Adolf Hitler and his newly proposed government would march together with other anti-democratic paramilitary organizations to Berlin to take power in the German Reich.

The then Prime Minister Eugen von Knilling along with the Minister of Justice Franz Gurtner, the Interior Minister Franz Schweyer and the Agriculture Minister John Wutzlhofer and other high-ranking politicians were taken into custody by 30 armed SA men under the direction of Rudolf Hess as hostages and placed overnight in the private home of the Nazi Julius Lehmann a supporter arrested in the south of the city. The SA or Sturmabteilung were the uniformed and armed combat, protection and propaganda troupe put together by Ernst Röhm.  They are not to be confused with the SS run by Heinrich Himmler. The SS was the group responsible for the formation of the Gestapo or State Secret Police.

The Deputy Prime Minister Franz Matt moved to Regensburg in an attempt to keep the legitimate government safe.  He launched a decree to the people that the coup was illegal and that pro-government units of the polices had the permission to open fire on the insurgents.  Eventually by military force and the support of the newspapers around the nation the coup lost momentum and was eventually put down.  Sixteen men from the coup and four from the police died in the ensuing actions.  Hitler was sentanced to 5 years in the prison at Landsberg for his part in the coup. During his time there as an inmate wrote the first chapter of his life “Mein Kampf” or My Fight / War and he practiced his oratorical skills. Political  pressure from supporters of the Nazi Party forced his release after only having served 9 months. Over the following few years, Hitler and his other dedicated followers reorganized their movement. As a larger more organised, fanatical group they eventually managed to gain a majority vote in the German Parliament, the Reichstag, by legal means in 1932.

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