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1985 Australian Bob Hawke Taxtralia Dollar Note

$47.50 AUD

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This was an original protest note handed out in central Sydney during the mid 1980’s protesting the rise in taxation being levied by the then Labour Government.

The Prime Minister Bob Hawke defeated Malcolm Fraser who was renown for his tax razor gangs and whittling back the edges on student, old age and unemployed benefits. The Labour party was also criticized for its handling of the economy as witnessed by this note.

The over print on this one with Banana Republic Taxtralia is the most sought after of these notes.  55 1/2 cents payable at Credibility Gap Canberra.

Bob Hawke attended Oxford University between 1953 and 1956. In 1954 he was for ever immortalized by the Guinness Book of Records when he sculled 2.5 pints of beer in 11 seconds. This man was to become the Prime Minister of Australia.

Bob Hawke recounted the occasion when he said, “In more down-to-earth fashion I inadvertently achieved notoriety as a result of one the quaint and ancient customs of my college. A system operated at dinner in the Great Hall under which if an offence was committed – in my case coming to dinner without a gown (some bastard had borrowed mine) – one was ‘sconced’. This meant having to drink two and a half pints of ale out of an antique pewter pot in less than twenty-five seconds. Failure to do so involved paying for the first drink, plus another two and a half pints. My chance of avoiding payment lay in downing the ale within the limit and hoping that the Sconcemaster – the President of the Junior Common Room – could not beat my time. I was too broke for the fine and necessity became the mother of ingestion. I downed the contents of the pot in eleven seconds, left the Sconcemaster floundering, and entered the Guinness Book of Records with the fastest time ever recorded. This feat was to endear me to some of my fellow Australians more than anything else I ever achieved.”

Fantastic piece of Australian political campaign history and very hard to come by.



Please see the pictures

Approx same size as the original one dollar baknote.

The note is somewhat handled with the edges dispalying some wear. 

Over all for a 30 year old paper collectible it is not to bad


Hawke was made a Companion of the Order of Australia in 1979 for his services as ACTU President; the honour is also traditionally bestowed upon all Australian Prime Ministers.

In 1989, Hawke was made Knight Grand Cordon of the Order of the White Elephant.

In late 2008, he was made a Grand Companion of the Order of Logohu, the highest Papua New Guinean honour available to non-Papua New Guinean citizens, which entitled him to be referred to in Papua New Guinea as “Chief”. In a letter to Bob Hawke, Papua New Guinean Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare informed him that he was being honoured for his “support for Papua New Guinea … from the time you assisted us in the development of our trade union movement, and basic workplace conditions, to the strong support you gave us during your term as Prime Minister of Australia”.

In August 2009, Bob Hawke became only the third person to be awarded life membership of the Australian Labor Party, after Gough and Margaret Whitlam. During the conferration, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd referred to Hawke as “the heart and soul of the Labor Party”.

Bob Hawke has received the following honours from academic institutions:

Honorary Fellow – University College, Oxford
Honorary Doctor of Letters – University of Western Australia
Honorary Doctor of Letters – Macquarie University
Honorary Doctor of Civil Law – Oxford University
Honorary Doctor of Humanities – Rikkyo University
Various honorary doctorates from Nanjing University, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the University of New South Wales, and the University of South Australia
The University of South Australia named the Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Library in his honour.

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