One of the most enjoyable aspects of collecting banknotes is the hunt for those serial numbers that are unique, special and in some cases highly sought after by collectors. Finding the right one can add a vast amount of worth to your banknote portfolio. Banknote serial numbers do have unique serial numbers in each country. Some serial numbers are far more interesting, hard to find and therefore certainly worth collecting.
Here are some examples of what you should be looking for.
Small numbers : 000003, 000008, 0000033, 0000088, etc
The lower to ‘0’ the better.
Solid numbers : 000001, 333333, 888888, 1000000, etc.
Chinese Lucky numbers : 000328, 328328, 000168, 168168, 300000, 800000, 088888, 188888, 288888, 388888, 688888, 788888, 988888, etc. Numbers have always held special significance for luck to Chinese people. No. 8 probably being the most passionately sought after.
3 Stripes : 111777, 777111, 222444, 444222, 666999, 999666, 777333, 333777, 555888, 888555 etc.
Ladders : 012345, 543210, 456789, 987654 etc. The numbers are incremental or decrement in a continuous sequence.
Paired Ladders : 778899,112233, 445566, 998877, 665544 etc.
Repeated numbers : 119119, 664664, 070707 030303 151515, 232323 etc.The first 3 numbers are repeated again
Radar : 050050, 161161, 488884, 520025 , 045540 etc. This where the numbers same from right-to-left as it does from left-to-right.
Same number with Different prefixes : SAB00038 & SAC00038, AB04145287 & AC04145287
Here is an example of radar numbers and also same number with different prefixes.

Special events : Some collect banknotes with numbers 001953 if they were born in 1953 or with 021953 if they were born in February 1953. This is a more of a personalized type of special-numbered note.
Combined numbers : 006606, 066000, 066660, 606666, 660666, 666066, Etc. In essence the numbers are a combination of only 2 or 3 digits.
Rotator numbers : 988886, 089680, 069690, 068890, 096690 etc. These numbers read the same after rotating upside down. They can contain only the numbers 0, 6, 8 and 9. Rotators which have only zeros and eights are therefore also radar numbers e.g. 080080, 008800, 088880, 800008, 808808, 880088. For notes with Arabian numbers they must have only the numbers 0, 5, 7 and 8 and therefore you find 755558 converts to VOOOO^ which is in itself a rotator.
Have fun with finding your special numbers. I certainly do.