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1918 Darlehnskassenscheine 1000 Marks A2430978

$15.00 AUD

Availability: 1 in stock

SKU: 1918Darlehnskassenscheine1000Marks-D1 Category:

This note is a replica copy of the original banknote. Uncirculated notes are extremely hard to find from the last year of World War 1 so as a collection filler this note may well be just what you are looking for even if it is a copy.

These notes were orginally issued by the National Debt Office for loans and cash certificates. they were accepted payment by all of the various state banking funds as payment. Despite the fact that they were not recognised as legal tender they played a vital role in trade negotiations especially in the smaller denominations of 1 and 2 Mark notes. These special State Loan Currency Notes were issued by the Reichsschuldenverwaltung in Berlin between 1914 and 1922. With the advent of hyperinflation in 1923 they were virtually worthless.

The note bears the 7 digit serial number and green signatures and were circulated inn Lithuania until 1922 during the German occupation.



4.4.1918. Green. Mercury and youth in armor at right. Circulated in Lithuania until 1922. 7 digit serial number in red with green signatures.

Obverse: Baltic Sea coastal city and ships. Mercury holding a sword in his right hand and the caduceus in his left hand and a knight in
armour behind him.

Reverse: Allegorical woman with an axe and a gear symbolising Industry.

Germany, occupation of Lithuania during WWI, Darlehnkassenscheine, 1000 mark 1918

Germany – Lithuania – Kowno – Occupation WWI

Pick R134b

189 mm x 110 mm


Issued by the National Debt Office loans cash certificates were uneinlösliches paper money with state coercion course. They were taken of all state funds in payment. Although they were not legal tender, but circulated in large quantities in the population because their usually small denominations from 1 Mark played an important role in the trade. Since they were used by the Reichsbank to the touch cover the Reichsbank notes, they contributed to the expansion of the money supply and thus inflation. By mid-1923 inflation they were practically worthless.

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