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2016 Northern Sky Cassiopeia $5 Silver Domed Coin

$340.00 AUD

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RAM’s 2016 $5 Cassiopeia Curved 1 ounce silver proof coin is sure to command the attention of serious collectors across the world, particularly in the huge European and North American markets.

The first coin of a three-coin series featuring the Northern Sky constellations sees this high quality, beautiful, silver proof coin making its debut.

This the all new series following on from the highly acclaimed and successful Southern Sky series of 2012-14 which featured the ground-breaking engineering of Australia’s first domed coins.

The first coin of Northern Sky series features the constellation of Cassiopeia which in Greek mythology was the hauntingly beautiful but ever boastful queen of Ethiopia.

This coin series has only half the mintage of the original series. With only 5,000 examples available world-wide it literally flew off the shelves. Demand was so high that the listing was removed from the Royal Australian Mint e-shop.

One of the world’s hottest numismatic items of 2016 awaits you here. The quality of the packaging and the masterful proof strike of the coin will delight all purchasers.

This unique concave/convex Australian legal tender coin is sure to prove highly sought after.

Comes with a numbered Certificate of Authenticity and original packaging with a Royal Australian Mint clam style case.

See our full listing of Royal Australian Mint silver coins here.



2016 Northern Sky Cassiopeia $5 Silver Domed Coin
Denomination: $5
Metal- Silver Ag
Diameter – 39.62 mm
Mass: 1 ounce
Finish: Coloured Print Proof

The reverse design of the coin is color printed on a concave surface, which provides a fabulous display of the Cassiopeia constellation framed within a compass designed border.
The obverse is convex and includes the Ian Rank-Broadley effigy of Queen Elizabeth II, along with the legal tender face value and date of issue.



Visible all year round in the Northern Hemisphere, and in the northerly parts of the Southern Hemisphere in spring, Cassiopeia is one of the most recognisable constellations, and has been known since the time of the Ancient Greeks.

Her legend states that whilst her beauty was unquestionable she allowed her vanity to overshadow her character. If nothing else it is something of a cautionary tale that her vanity became her tragic legacy.

Cassiopeia can be seen in the northern skies, with her throne circling the celestial pole and her arm flung wide desperately hanging on.

As per Poseidon’s wishes, the constellation is sometimes seen upside down, and appears as either an M or W depending on when in the year it is being viewed.

Cassiopeia was catalogued in the second century by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy it is still classed as one of today’s 88 modern constellations.

It is opposite the Big Dipper. In northern locations above 34ºN latitude it is visible year-round and in the (sub)tropics it can be seen at its clearest from September to early November in its characteristic ‘M’ shape.

Even in low southern latitudes below 25ºS it can be seen low in the North.

he four brightest stars of Cassiopeia are all brighter than the third magnitude.

Alpha Cassiopeiae, traditionally called Shedir (from the Arabic Al Sadr, “the breast”), is a double star. The primary is an orange-hued giant of magnitude 2.2, 229 light-years from Earth. The secondary is widely separated from the primary and is of magnitude 8.9.

Beta Cassiopeiae, or Caph (meaning “hand”), is a white-hued star of magnitude 2.3, 54 light-years from Earth. 16th-century Arabian astronomer Al Tizini gave this star the name Al Sanam al Nakah, (The Camel’s Hump), referring to the contemporaneous Persian figure.

The two other notably bright stars in Cassiopeia are both variable stars. Gamma Cassiopeiae is a shell star, a type of variable star that has a very high rate of rotation. This causes the star to be somewhat unstable and periodically eject rings of material. Gamma Cassiopeiae has a minimum magnitude of 3.0 and a maximum magnitude of 1.6; it is currently approximately magnitude 2.2.

Delta Cassiopeiae, also known as “Ruchbah” or “Rukbat,” meaning “knee,” is an Algol-type eclipsing variable star. It varies by 0.1 magnitudes around magnitude 2.7; its period is 2 years and 1 month. Ruchbah appears to have a blue-white hue and it is 99 light-years from Earth.

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